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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why Java Logo is a Coffee Cup?

Java is an island, not coffee,
Java is a place from where coffee is exported to USA for many years. So in USA sometimes coffee is referred as java and the beans are call java beans.
Sun Microsystems, renamed OAK to 'JAVA' with some changes and launched it in the same year. Developers around the globe immediately found Java's potential and the WWW got its new look and Java took the world by storm 
Java is a type of coffee, some ppl say "would u like a cup of Java" so I guess it's coffee, does it matter as long as it works? I don't understand the ? really.
In 1990's they tried to develop a portable application that can run on any micro chip. Not surprisingly, the team chose C++ to accomplish this task. But soon they found that there are many features in C++ that prevented it from being PORTABLE.
This may be the relation between Java and coffee cup
just that they produce coffee and common use has made java another word for coffee.

1 comment:

  1. Why Java has coffe logo ? Nice explantion at the following url
